collected work of ken k. wong

eLearn Splash Screen (interactive)

Category : 3d art · by

I developed this splash screen to be used in a course on eLearn. Students will be able to hover over the various app images and then click the course of their choice.

Modeled and rendered in 3ds Max and post work in Photoshop.

image of ipad app with various 3d apps

Beanstalk Fairy Tale Land

Category : 3d art · by

This was an old assignment. I spent a bit too much time on this, but I didn’t know any better – I learned a lot, especially about the importance of a plan from the get-go, how it’s not always good to achieve all effects in one program, and et cetera. Everything is 3d modeled, and all the lighting and effects were completed in 3ds Max. I later went and animated the gondola cars.

a flower pot house hanging from the beanstalk

close up of 3d flowers

a wide shot of the fairy tale beanstalk