collected work of ken k. wong

Mohawk Energy website

Category : Website · by

Mohawk Energy is a research division of iDeaWORKS focused on smart grid and energy technologies.

I was approached to create a website for them to showcase their work. This was a fun and challenging project due to the time frame. We needed to have the site up and running before their newly annual event, The Smart Grid Technologies Symposium, (which I was also the lead graphics and photographer for), occurred.

Mohawk Energy Work:

  • front-end custom HTML / CSS
  • currently hosted on Joomla
  • limited number of pages focused on primary content
  • google analytics
  • Visit Mohawk Energy to learn more about more

imac by andrew gw

mohawk energy website splash graphic

mohawk energy select pages

Mohawk College App UI

Category : Mobile · by

This was the first iteration of the Mohawk app developed in 2011(?). I did the UI and background. The college has since migrated to a newer version, but I think the Library department is still using it…

screenshot of the Mohawk App UI